If the TV signal strength is on the edge of being too low, you might see either a black screen where the live TV picture should be, or your live TV picture might be choppy. There are two main reasons why you might see a black window:

How can I save my WinTV Channels database? Click here to see a sample of this information. There is a log file saved at c:\users\public\hauppauge wintv\logs\wintvtvpi.txt which shows the details of an attempt to schedule a TitanTV recording. But if the channel number doesn't match a channel which WinTV can tune to, WinTV ignores this attempt to schedule the recording and you will not see this scheduled item in the WinTV Scheduler. tvpi file to your PC which contains the details of the recording (channel number, channel name, time, date, etc.). When you click the red 'record' button in TitanTV, Titan delivers a. To understand why this happens, lets look at how the process of clicking the record button in TitanTV and how this turns into a WinTV Scheduled recording. If, for example, you scanned WinTV with an over-the-air antenna but selected a cable TV line up in TitanTV, your channel line will be different and scheduled recordings will fail. The channel list in TitanTV must match the channel list in WinTV. I can find all the channels on the rescan but can't seem to save them in the database. I've been unable to get the rescan to work. Our local TV channel switched frequencies today. Now if you scan for channels, you should see them in the WinTV application.Once you do this you can reinstall Hauppauge WinTV with latest version from website.
Information on how to show hidden folders in Windows: Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 7, 8.x, 10, or Vista

To install WinTV v8 on a PC or laptop without a CD-ROM drive This will complete the driver and application installation for your WinTV. At Activation required, click Check WinTV CD if you have a WinTV v7 CD.Run wintv8setup from the Download directory on your PC.After downloading this file, it's normally saved in the Download directory on your PC Download the WinTV v8 installer to your PC.
This download is a complete installation package, including drivers for supported WinTV products plus the WinTV v8 application and utilities. File size: 108 MB | Date: MaRelease notes